Dispute resolution. Automated.

Picture this — your hard work has paid off, sales are rolling in. You’re excited to scale your business to new heights.

Suddenly, you receive an email from your payment provider, abruptly pausing you —or worse — shutting you down for fraud.

Unknowingly, you’ve been a victim of friendly-fraud. Some of your customers have filed disputes with the intention to receive free product sor services. Now, you have to prove your innocence. Where do you even begin? It’s a nightmare.

The nightmare’s real — and the reality for 80% of businesses.
People file false claims
Gen-Zs have disputed
In collective annual losses
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Clearly, disputes suck. That’s why we exist.
Why use Disputer?

Disputer is the most affordable, fully automated, dispute response platform, built with e-commerce in mind, but works for any.

If you’re in the business of accepting money, online or offline, Disputer is the protection mechanism you need to safeguard your business from wrongful customers. Our AI completely handles your disputes end to end.

One less headache for you. One giant leap for your business.
Here’s how it works in 3 steps
Autonomous mode. On.
Disputer responds to all of your chargebacks, automatically.
Manual dispute management is a thing of the past. Disputer’s autonomous mode generates effective responses and submits them to your payment provider.
Simply save time, respond within the due deadline, and recover lost revenue. All at once. All automatically.
Hella fast. Faster than you can blink.
At Safe, security and performance are in our DNA. We’ve rigorously optimized our pipelines, resulting in responses that are generated in under a fraction of a second , with utmost data integrity.
Security. Performance. Have both.
response time
saved monthly
Monitor before you get Monitored.
Card networks such as Visa, Mastercard expect your business to operate responsibly — that means, your dispute and fraud levels have to be under an acceptable threshold.
Exceeding this threshold puts your business under monitoring programs where hefty fees and fines can be incurred.

$25,000 in fines

Fraud Audit triggered

Disqualified to accept payments

Active Health Monitoring
By analyzing hundreds of health-specific data points, our algorithm outputs a health score with up to Eleven Nines precision. Further, early warnings are a cherry on top.
Any dispute. Any reason. We’re ready.
Not all disputes are equal. They’re usually differentiated by their reasons. Our AI is familiar with hundreds of reasons — that means, we can handle any dispute initiated under any reason.
dispute responses
Inarguable and Irrefutable proof.
We’ve meticulously trained our algorithms to produce irrefutable evidences by analyzing millions of data points. Our algorithms are constantly learning to produce winning responses in real time.
data points
All about winning.

Winning disputes isn’t rocket science, but feels so. With our proven fingerprinting-driven approach, winning becomes second nature.

Win ratio
Real-time Status
Live Widgets
and so much more
Fair Pricing
No long-term contracts. No hidden fees. We grow with you.
Our suggestion
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